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The Gentle Art of Exfoliation

Dear Marigoldbub Beauties, In the realm of skincare, Ayurveda stands as a beacon of ancient wisdom, offering holistic approaches to nurture and rejuvenate the skin. Today, let's delve into the art of exfoliation through Ayurvedic principles and discover the best ways to unveil your skin's natural radiance. Before diving into exfoliation, it's crucial to identify…

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Nourishing Motherhood: Ayurvedic Wisdom for Supporting Breastfeeding

Dear Marigoldbub Moms, Congratulations on embarking on the beautiful journey of motherhood! At Marigoldbub, we understand the significance of nurturing both you and your little one. As you navigate the world of breastfeeding, we're here to share the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, offering insights and tips to support you on this incredible adventure. Embrace Nourishing…

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Its all about Ingredient Transparency: The Clean and Natural Essence of MarigoldBub’s Skincare

At MarigoldBub, we believe in the transformative power of clean and natural skincare. Our commitment to ingredient transparency ensures that every product encapsulates the pure essence of nature, nurturing your skin with integrity and care. That's why every formulation at MarigoldBub is meticulously crafted, harnessing the potency of nature's gifts while excluding harmful chemicals and…

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Marigoldbub - Nurture by Nature

Embracing Ayurveda for Postpartum Healing and Nourishment

Dear Beautiful Mothers, The postpartum period is a sacred phase—a time of immense joy, bonding, and nurturing. Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, offers invaluable wisdom and practices to support your journey through postpartum recovery, promoting holistic healing and rejuvenation. In Ayurveda, the postpartum phase, known as "Sutika Paricharya," is considered pivotal for a new…

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Nourishing Bond: Ayurvedic Insights into Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding isn't just about providing nourishment; it's a beautiful bonding experience between a mother and her newborn. In the realm of Ayurveda, breastfeeding holds immense significance, offering holistic benefits that extend beyond mere sustenance. Let's explore the wisdom of Ayurveda regarding breastfeeding and its profound impact on both the mother and child. According to Ayurveda,…

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Nurturing Calm: Ayurveda-Inspired Ways to Practice Mindfulness with Children for Stress Management

In today's fast-paced world, stress is no stranger, even to our little ones. Teaching children mindfulness techniques rooted in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda can be a valuable gift, providing them with tools to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. Mindfulness practices not only aid in stress management but also promote emotional well-being, focus,…

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The Timeless Wisdom of Ayurveda: Embracing Daily Routines for Optimal Well-Being

In the fast-paced world we live in today, finding balance and maintaining optimal well-being can often seem like an elusive goal. However, the ancient Indian system of Ayurveda offers profound insights into achieving harmony and health through the practice of daily routines. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of daily routines or "dinacharya" as a cornerstone of…

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Gotu Kola: The Fountain of Youth for Mind, Body, and Soul

Gotu Kola, also known as Centella asiatica, has been treasured in traditional medicine systems, including Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, for thousands of years. Often referred to as the "herb of longevity," Gotu Kola boasts an impressive array of health benefits that promote holistic well-being. In this blog, we will explore the numerous advantages of…

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Nourishing Your Skin with Sweetness: Exploring the Skin Benefits of Sugarcane

Sugarcane, a tall and sweet grass native to tropical regions, is well-known for its role in sugar production. However, beyond its culinary uses, sugarcane offers a plethora of skincare benefits. Packed with essential nutrients and natural exfoliating properties, sugarcane can be an excellent addition to your skincare routine. In this blog, we will explore the…

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The Golden Elixir: Why Saffron is revered in Ayurveda?

Saffron, the "golden threads," has been revered for its rich aroma, vibrant color, and numerous health benefits for thousands of years. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, has recognized the therapeutic properties of saffron and incorporated it into various remedies to promote holistic well-being. In this blog, we will explore the diverse and potent…

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The Golden Spice: Why We Love Turmeric?

Turmeric, the vibrant golden spice commonly found in our kitchens, has been treasured for centuries in Ayurveda and traditional medicine for its remarkable health benefits. Its active compound, curcumin, is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that provides numerous holistic advantages for our overall well-being. In this blog, we'll delve into the diverse and profound…

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Ayurvedic Summer Hair Care

Summer is a time of warmth, sunshine, and outdoor adventures. However, with the soaring temperatures and increased exposure to the sun, our hair tends to suffer. The harsh environmental conditions can lead to dryness, frizz, dandruff, and other hair woes. Fortunately, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to haircare that can help nourish and protect your…

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Beginner’s Guide to Tongue Diagnosis

Growing up in India, I was very accustomed to my physician or treatment provider asking me to open my mouth so they can “read” my tongue. It wasn’t’ till I moved to the United States during my teens, when I learned that the practice was unique to eastern medicine which then took me on a…

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Ayurvedic dietary guidelines for women

In Ayurveda, gut and nutritional health are foundational principles for maintain overall health and wellness. For women, following Ayurvedic dietary guidelines can be particularly beneficial for supporting reproductive health, hormonal balance, and overall well-being. Here are some of the key Ayurvedic dietary guidelines for women. Eat a variety of whole foods: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance…

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Ayurveda for women in mid-life and beyond

According to Ayurveda, women in their midlife experience a shift in their hormonal balance, leading to a transition from the Pitta (Fire and Water) stage to the Vata (Air and Space) stage of life. This transition is known as menopause and is marked by a decline in estrogen and progesterone levels, leading to a variety…

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Ayurvedic explanation for PCOS

According to Ayurveda, PCOS is believed to be caused by an imbalance of the Kapha (Earth and Water) and Pitta (Fire and Water) doshas, along with poor digestion, which leads to the accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body. This accumulation of toxins can affect the reproductive system and disrupt hormonal balance, leading to the…

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Cooling Herbs for Summer

While it may not be official summer yet, here in southeastern United States it is pretty hot. Adjusting your lifestyle to accommodate the rhythms of the seasons, is a common practice in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, summer is the season of Pitta (Fire and Water( dosha, which is associated with heat, intensity, and transformation. As…

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Power of Food Combinations

Ayurvedic food combinations are designed to optimize digestion and nutrient absorption, and to promote overall health and well-being. Before we dive deeper into food combination, it is important to ground ourselves in fundamental principles on Ayurvedic nutrition, which include: Eating according to your dosha: In Ayurveda, there are three primary doshas or body types -…

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Preparing for Spring

Its officially spring, regardless of how cold or warm it maybe wherever you are, mother nature has begun its transformation process. As the winter season comes to a close and spring approaches, it's a good time to start thinking about ways to support your body's natural transition into the new season. In Ayurveda, spring is…

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Aging Gracefully

Aging a part of our life, yet we continue to demonize it by looking for anti-aging treatments. There is a beauty and naturality in aging that is often missed by us when we view is a negative part of life. Graceful aging is a concept that is highly valued in Ayurveda, aging is a natural…

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Understanding Ama (Toxins)

I am frequently asked about Ama and how does one make sure to avoid its build up in the body. In Ayurveda, "ama" refers to toxic substances that accumulate in the body due to improper digestion or the intake of unhealthy substances. The concept of ama is closely related to the principle of digestion in…

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Quick New Mom Guide

Congratulations on becoming a new mom! The journey of motherhood can be both rewarding and challenging, and taking care of yourself is crucial in order to be able to care for your little one. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a holistic approach to health and well-being that can be particularly beneficial for…

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Blue Light and Your Skin

I must admit, it is next to impossible to escape blue light in today’s world. Most of us whether on our TVs, phones, tablets or computers end up spending a considerable amount of time absorbing blue lights into our skins and bodies. Research suggests that the average human spends 3 to 4 hours every day…

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Anemia In Pregnancy

In Ayurveda, Garbhini-Pandu (anemia in pregnancy) is described as a pregnant woman becoming weak and pale. The major driver of this (mostly temporary) disorder is the increased need for iron during pregnancy driven by the need for nourishment in her own body, building lactation support and growth of the fetus. While western medicine summarizes Anemia…

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Ayurveda and Joytish – What’s the connection?

I am frequently asked about the connection of Ayurveda and Jyotish (Vedic Astrology). While the connection between Ayurveda and Yoga appears obvious, the connection to Jyotish requires a deeper understanding of the origins of the sciences and their shared roots. It helps to understand that Yoga and Ayurveda are both Vedic sciences; they both originate…

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Fueling the Digestive Fire

Ayurveda regards digestion as the very cornerstone of health. Our digestive Agni (fire) is the key to our health and immunity. According to Ayurvedic principles, what, how and when you eat are all utmost importance to keep the digestive flame healthy and balanced; this includes drinking plenty of plain and pure water throughout each day.…

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All about FAT

As we start the new year, a lot of us will set up some goals, embark on diets and make other lifestyle commitments. One of the ones that I see most common, often has to do with cutting fat out completely and going on cleanses. I would like to offer an Ayurvedic perspective on Fat.…

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Ayurvedic Winter Haircare

 Winter and dry hair often go hand in hand if you don’t follow the right hair care routine. Low moisture in the air can leave your hair frizzy and dull making it prone to breakage. Several factors combine to damage your hair when the weather is cold and dry. Dryness in the winter air can…

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Winter Herbs

Winter is officially here and in true Ayurvedic tradition it is time for us to adjust yet again to acclimate to our surroundings so we can live in harmony. As we know by now, there are three different doshas in Ayurveda which are governed by at least two of the five elements (mahabhutas). These doshas,…

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Holiday Eating – Ayurvedic Way

Holiday Eating – The Ayurvedic Way It is impossible to not write about diet or food in November. With Thanksgiving officially kicking off the holiday season in North America, it is hard to not think about eating during holidays which is notorious for our routines and diets to get off track; we often indulge in…

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The Right Beverage for You

Ayurvedic approach to food and drinks is centralized around optimizing your digestive agni (fire), which  is individually unique. This individualized approach not only applies to what should be consumed, but also how.  What might be good for one may not be good for someone else; for example, seltzer waters are great for Kapha (Earth and…

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Ayurvedic Perspective on Sugar

November is the month of family gatherings and dinner parties. So this month, we will focus our blogs on diet and hopefully come out with the least amount of impact to our a digestive agni’s despite the rollercoaster of routines. Sugar, whether you love it or hate it, it is hard to go through the…

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Managing Menopause with Ayurveda

The peri-menauposal, menopausal and post-menopausal stages of life are unique to each woman but universal to all women. It should be looked upon as an opportunity to concentrate on the self and seek help with a positive attitude rather than withdrawing one-self from the rest of the world. Each phase of our life gives its…

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How to Detox – the Ayurvedic Way

In today’s environment, our bodies are overwhelmed with new and novel stressors each day including environmental toxins, processed foods, unresolved emotions, and psychological stress, to name a few. Our bodies are the world’s best machine, they process all kinds of inputs distinguishing what’s good for you from what’s not, removing harmful substances alongside routine metabolic…

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Healing Power of Metals

Healing with metals is an ancient Ayurvedic therapy. Metals like gold, silver and copper have been used to treat various health problems in Ayurveda. Healing metals have the power to neutralize the negative energy. According to Ayurvedic belief system, copper, gold, and silver play a vital role in maintaining our well-being. Natural substances, like some…

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Demystifying Ayurvedic Dry Brush Massage

Dry Brushing, a traditional Ayurvedic practice, also called garshana (pronounced gar-shun-uh), is traditionally done using raw silk or linen gloves, though many prefer to use a natural bristle body brush. This practice promotes lymphatic cleansing and is a powerful way to support the natural process of detoxification in the body and is recommended especially for…

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Managing Constipation with Ayurveda

Constipation is a condition whereby the stools become difficult to pass, or stop moving altogether for some time. However, constipation is typically accompanied by one or more of symptoms like straining during a bowel movement, a sense that a bowel movement was incomplete, a feeling of being blocked up or the stools themselves can be…

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Six Tastes Explained

Ayurveda in India lays great emphasis on taste. Also, known as rasa in Sanskrit, taste can be defined in a number of ways including experience, enthusiasm, essence and juice, all form an integral part of taste. There are six tastes or Rasas: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. Taste is made from the same…

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Ayurvedic View on Food and Nutrition

In the West, a balanced diet is comprised of a mix of macronutrients that make up the large part of our diet - carbohydrates, proteins and fats as well as micronutrients – namely vitamins and minerals. This approach is rather reductionist as calorie intake does not give a full picture of nutrient intake nor does…

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Demystifying Jaggery

Jaggery is a type of unrefined sugar, prepared from sugarcane or date juice. The juice is concentrated by heating and molasses is not removed while concentrating it. The end product is brownish yellow-colored solid blocks, often also available in semisolid form. Its often known as Guda, Gud, Gula, Gulam in Ayurveda. Unlike sugar, Jaggery preserves…

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Coffee – An Ayurvedic Perspective

Ayurveda considers coffee to be both medicine for some and poison for others, at certain times and in certain situations. Energetically, coffee is hot, light and dry in quality, a carrier of the Air and Fire elements, and produces a stimulatory effect on the stomach. Because of its Vata and Pitta increasing effects, a cup…

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What is Amla (Indian Goosbery)?

Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), also known as amla, is a potent rejuvenating herbal adaptogen, renowned for its impressive list of health benefits and all-encompassing support. It has been used in Ayurveda and other Asian medicinal practices for thousands of years; offering a high concentration of natural antioxidants and vitamin C, amalaki is a powerful ally for…

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Meditation Guide for Kids

In Ayurveda, an illness can be treated by creating awareness among yourself, maintaining a balance and controlling your mind. Through Meditation, the mind can be freed from all kinds of ill thoughts, and be refreshed. Meditation can look very different depending on the style and individual practicing. But generally, it is a way to train…

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Skincare during Pregnancy

In Ayurveda, pregnancy is viewed as a very special and spiritual time in a woman's life. It is often reported that a pregnant woman's aura is particularly luminous and golden -- this is Ayurveda's explanation for that intangible "pregnancy glow” we hear about! However, expecting mothers may not have moist, dewy, and glowing skin throughout…

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Managing Allergies with Ayurveda

Spring is nature’s New Year! In the US, Ayurveda considers it as the time when Agni is at its lowest. According to Ayurveda, the primary cause of allergies is accumulation of toxins (Ama) combined with lowered immunity. When the digestive and metabolic fire or Agni is weak, Doshas (energy principles) go out of balance and…

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Guide to Ayurvedic Tea

Teas in Ayurveda are as old as the Ayurveda itself making it one of the founding principles of Ayurvedic Medicine and part of the recommended daily ritual. These teas are made of different herbs and elements and are supposed to detoxify and purify the body. Ayurvedic tea is almost always a blend of different ingredients,…

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The Art of Ayurvedic Head Massage

Growing up in India, head massages were part of life. It wasn’t uncommon for my mother, or my grandma to massage my hair with herb infused oil, especially when I was stressed with school work. Ayurvedic head massage is an ancient therapeutic treatment that has been practiced in India for thousands of years and involves…

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Water – An Ayurvedic Perspective

It’s the first day of Spring, and while we think of spring with everything blooming in our gardens, none of it is possible without Water (one of the core elements in Ayurvedic Medical Philosophy). Water represents soma, the nourishing, cooling quality that is associated with lunar energy. It helps with digestion, cools and balances Pitta…

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What does your tongue say about you?

Growing up in India, I was very accustomed to my physician or treatment provider asking me to open my mouth so they can “read” my tongue. It wasn’t’ till I moved to the United States during my teens, when I learned that the practice was unique to eastern medicine which then took me on a…

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Itching during Pregnancy

As someone who experienced extensive itching during both of my pregnancy, I can firsthand account for how miserable of an experience it is without any available remedies. When I started to experience itchiness that kept me up at night during my second pregnancy, I looked to Ayurveda to help me understand the causes and natural…

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Ayurvedic Approach to Parenting

Parenting is an incredible challenge and Ayurveda celebrates parenthood. Giving birth is an immensely important job of continuing the human race. Once the baby is born, all efforts and actions must be in the best interest of the child. Ayurveda has eight branches. One of these is Koumarbhritya, which is completely dedicated to the health…

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An Ayurvedic Guide to Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskar, or sun salutation, is a series of 12 postures that are linked together with the breath. Sun salutations are traditionally practiced in the morning, as the sun rises, in order to greet the new day and establish balance within the doshas. Sun salutations stimulate the metabolism and the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and reproductive…

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Fight Cold and Cough from your Kitchen

According to Ayurveda, colds are a Kapha (water and earth) -Vata (space and air) disorder. The Kapha qualities causes the body to build up an excess of cool and moist Kapha, resulting in congestion and a runny nose and excess Vata reduces digestive fire (agni) leading to chills, loss of appetite and/or poor digestion. Ayurveda…

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Your Guide to Stress Management Month with MarigoldBub

Hello, Marigoldbub community! As we dive into Stress Management Month, we're excited to share insights and practices that will help you cultivate serenity and balance in your daily life. At Marigoldbub, we believe that holistic well-being starts with nurturing your mind, body, and spirit. Let's embark on this journey together, exploring three powerful stress-busting…

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