According to Ayurveda, menstrual flow is a byproduct, after all, of the most basic tissues of the body. After we ingest our breakfast, this food undergoes transformation through the seven tissue layers of the body. The first is plasma, then blood, which is then followed by the muscle and fat…
According to Ayurveda, women in their midlife experience a shift in their hormonal balance, leading to a transition from the Pitta (Fire and Water) stage to the Vata (Air and Space) stage of life. This transition is known as menopause and is marked by a decline in estrogen and progesterone…
According to Ayurveda, PCOS is believed to be caused by an imbalance of the Kapha (Earth and Water) and Pitta (Fire and Water) doshas, along with poor digestion, which leads to the accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body. This accumulation of toxins can affect the reproductive system and disrupt…
Holiday Eating – The Ayurvedic Way It is impossible to not write about diet or food in November. With Thanksgiving officially kicking off the holiday season in North America, it is hard to not think about eating during holidays which is notorious for our routines and diets to get off…
Ayurvedic approach to food and drinks is centralized around optimizing your digestive agni (fire), which is individually unique. This individualized approach not only applies to what should be consumed, but also how. What might be good for one may not be good for someone else; for example, seltzer waters are…
November is the month of family gatherings and dinner parties. So this month, we will focus our blogs on diet and hopefully come out with the least amount of impact to our a digestive agni’s despite the rollercoaster of routines. Sugar, whether you love it or hate it, it is…
The peri-menauposal, menopausal and post-menopausal stages of life are unique to each woman but universal to all women. It should be looked upon as an opportunity to concentrate on the self and seek help with a positive attitude rather than withdrawing one-self from the rest of the world. Each phase…
Heartburn and acid reflux during the second trimester are quite common. Heartburn begins as your body slows down resulting from a slowdown of our stomach acid and thus a delayed digestive process which can result in food gushing back up in the esophagus. Also, the hormone changes and pressure against…
According to Ayurveda, menstrual flow is a byproduct, after all, of the most basic tissues of the body. After we ingest our breakfast, this food undergoes transformation through the seven tissue layers of the body. The first is plasma, then blood, which is then followed by the muscle and fat…