Often there exists some confusion between pranayama and meditation? The difference between them can be subtle unless you dig in and understand the objective of both of these exercises. Pranayama is an ancient breath technique that originates from yogic practices in India. It involves controlling your breath in different styles…
I come across this question very frequently, what is the difference between Prana, Tejas and Ojas? Do I need all of them? And I will admit there is a lot of contradicting information out there, especially in the yoga studio world. I am going to make an attempt to the…
Teas in Ayurveda are as old as the Ayurveda itself making it one of the founding principles of Ayurvedic Medicine and part of the recommended daily ritual. These teas are made of different herbs and elements and are supposed to detoxify and purify the body. Ayurvedic tea is almost always…
When I was pregnant, I couldn’t get myself to eat meat very often; I find this aversion quite common in pregnant women. I made lentils a key source for my protein and iron intake. In Ayurvedic nutrition legumes (known as pulses) are the edible seeds of leguminous plants. They are…
Growing up in India, head massages were part of life. It wasn’t uncommon for my mother, or my grandma to massage my hair with herb infused oil, especially when I was stressed with school work. Ayurvedic head massage is an ancient therapeutic treatment that has been practiced in India for…
It’s the first day of Spring, and while we think of spring with everything blooming in our gardens, none of it is possible without Water (one of the core elements in Ayurvedic Medical Philosophy). Water represents soma, the nourishing, cooling quality that is associated with lunar energy. It helps with…
Pranayama is an ancient breath technique that originates from yogic practices in India. It involves controlling your breath in different styles and lengths. It is known as the fourth anga, or limb, of yoga. The word pranayama comes from two separate words: prana and ayama. Prana translates to breath or…
Surya Namaskar, or sun salutation, is a series of 12 postures that are linked together with the breath. Sun salutations are traditionally practiced in the morning, as the sun rises, in order to greet the new day and establish balance within the doshas. Sun salutations stimulate the metabolism and the…