Miscarriage is an unfortunate event that overwhelms your mind and body. Saying goodbye to someone you never met takes a toll on your mental wellbeing. In addition to the emotional havoc, a miscarriage also has a profound impact on your body. Your body has just been through trauma, and you need to restore, replenish and rejuvenate body, mind and soul.
During a miscarriage, your hormones will begin to fall after a sharp rise when your body was preparing for pregnancy. Pregnancy related physical changes such as breast tenderness and nausea may take some time to fade. Your uterus also begins the cleansing cycle so that the menstrual cycle can start again; this will result in bleeding and cramping similar to a period. Depending on what stage your miscarriage occurred in, bleeding may be heavier and last longer. During this time, following the guidance below to bring your body, mind and soul back to balance.
A miscarriage is a birth; thus, post miscarriage is a mini postpartum; this means you may have a postpartum experience such as headaches, sweats, and weakness. A miscarriage can come with significant blood loss. You must take time to rest; nap when you can, seek help for household chores and strenuous activities. Ayurvedic healing principles of first 42 days after birth can be applied to a miscarriage; be sure to speak with your midwife or doctor about limitations to your activities.
To heal and restore its nutrient levels you need to feed your body nourishing foods. Many of these foods are similar to what you would eat to promote fertility, sustain a healthy pregnancy, and even support your body postpartum.
Eat a Sattvic diet, well balanced, organic, nutrient-dense, simple and clean. Due to the blood loss from miscarriage, keep an eye on iron levels to warn off anemia and focus on natural sources of iron such as nut butters, chia seeds and lentils. Fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in Vitamin C, can help prevent infection while your uterus heals. Leafy greens, citrus fruits, and colorful plant sources contain a variety of vitamins and minerals. Fats, particularly homemade ghee, are a wonderful way to restore your energy. Healthy fats can also help your body better absorb nutrients. As much as possible, refrain from inflammatory foods, like sugars, red meats, and dairy, especially during this time of restoration.
Herbs for Balance
During this postpartum time, your reproductive tract needs to be rebalanced and restored. Ayurvedic rejuvenation can help reset your system so it is prepared to conceive again.
• Dashamoola tea, known as “the ten roots”, is a herbal powerhouse. Excellent for soothing inflammation, rebalancing Vata, easing digestive issues, and boosting your immune system, this tea is a beneficial addition to your diet.
• Ashwagandha is an adaptogen and can help body deal with negative effects of sleep such as sleeplessness and decreasing energy.
• Shatavari, as discussed in the previous blog post, is an effective herb for women, especially after a miscarriage. It has anti-oxytocin properties that can calm uterine contractions and reduce cramping. Shatavari has also been linked to mood stabilization, nourishment of the reproductive organs, and strengthening fertility for when you are ready to try again.
While you may be excited to try for another pregnancy soon, waiting has many advantages. Seeing three normal (for you) periods confirms that you are well recovered. It also gives time to feed the ovaries for the coming egg to be fertilized. It allows you to recover more fully on an emotional as well as physical level. It gives you time to rectify any imbalances, or emotional issues before getting pregnant again.