Shatavari –A Women’s Power Herb
Before I begin to share the benefits of this amazing herb, I want to emphasize that Ayruvedic healing is dynamic and it doesn’t provide a standardized method of treatment; healing is unique to each individual. While Shatavari is a great herb, please be mindful of incorporating it in your daily routine to support your health journey.
Shatavari means “who possesses a hundred husbands”. In Ayurveda, this amazing herb is known as the “Queen of herbs”, because it promotes love and devotion. Shatavari is highly effective in problems related to the female reproductive system and has been noted numerous times in the ancient ayurvedic text, Charak Samhita, written by Charak and Ashtang Hridyam written by Vagbhata.
As an adaptogen, it is considered to be great for the overall health of both males and females; however Shatavari plays a key role in balancing female hormones. The roots of Shatavari contain two important components Shatavarin and sarsasapogenin; these two components are key to a woman’s sex hormones, oestrogen, and progesterone.
This amazing herb can be a great partner in your hormonal journey, especially during postpartum. After the birth, your body will need support to heal and recover. Shatavari’s anti-inflammatory properties, ability to balance hormones, reduce stress as an adaptogen, boost immunity, and increase strength and vitality are all benefits a recovering mom can incorporate in her routine. Additionally, studies have shown that the inclusion of this herb can support lactation, as it is a galactagogue.
In addition to supporting your postpartum and hormone balancing needs, Shatavari has been shown to manage symptoms during menopause. In a recent study , Shatavari was able to minimize the risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis by minimizing bone loss.
Because of its numerous benefits, Shatavari is available in numerous forms (powders, capsules, compounded sugars and ghee). If you choose to try Shatavari powder, the traditional way to use it is to mix the powder with a glass of room temperature water, milk and sugar, or ghee. The taste of Shatavari powder is both sweet and slightly bitter. You can also blend it into a smoothie.